Development Update - November 2022

As November comes and goes in a flash, we can't help but look towards a big start to 2023. We've been busily adding more and more features to our brand-new customer portal (but we'll save that for our next update!).

This month we bring news of some useful time-saving features that should help reduce those unnecessary admin jobs.

First up it's a big improvement to our activities and calendar integration as no more will you have to manually add or amend an important task within your 365 calendar. Next, there's good news for those wanting to lookup a large number of gas or electric meters, as we introduce the ability to perform bulk lookups.

For these handy time savers and many other useful new features, keep reading for our November Dev Update...

Automatic Calendar Updates Through Office 365

This new feature requires the user to have logged in with their Office 365 account (an optional feature). Any new activity created will then automatically add an entry to the user's default calendar (based on the 'Due Date'). If the activity is edited or deleted, then those amends will also be reflected within the user's Office 365 calendar.

Built for:

Bulk Meter Lookup

Since launching gas and electric meter lookups earlier this year, we've frequently been asked about the possibility of performing lookups in bulk from a supplied spreadsheet. We're happy to announce that this latest update makes it possible. Please contact your account manager for more information.

Built for:

Other bits and bobs...

We've also added the following other bits and bobs...

ADR Registration Number Logging

Some suppliers now require confirmation of a TPI's participation in the ADR scheme, not just on setup but every time a contract is submitted. We can now log your ADR participation number within your account so when contracts are submitted, we'll also submit your ADR Registration Number each time too.

Built for:

Delete Functionality For Team Members

We've added an optional feature so that any user with an access level of 'Team Member' can now delete records (such as Sites, Meters, and Customers).

Built for:

Pass/Fail Individual Bill Val Checks

Last month we released an update that made it possible to overwrite the batch result of a completed BILL VAL test to either a 'Pass' or 'Failed' state. We've now added the ability to mark any individual bill validation checks within a bulk job (again, either to a 'Pass' or 'Failed' state).

Built for:

Improved Meter Read Validation

When submitting a meter read, previously our system would check that the read value was higher than the one previously submitted. However, this does not take into account that (as energy meters are limited to a set number of digits) they do at some point ‘clock’ and a lower number read is not necessarily an issue. We've improved the logic with our validation so a lower value will be allowed.

Built for:

Commission Details With Excel Quotes

In September we brought you news of an optional feature that enabled commission information to be presented within exported PDF quotes. We've now updated this optional feature so exported Excel quotes will include Total Commission, Annual Commission, Commission Type, and the UOM Value. Please contact your account manager for more information.

Built for:

Instant Quote Meter Lookup Improvements

Previously, when performing a meter lookup within the 'Customer' module, the current supplier, MOP and DC/DA data would all be returned, allowing the user to add this information alongside the customer site information. Within Instant Quote there is no associated customer so this information previously wasn't presented. You've told us that this extra information would still prove useful for reference so now, when performing a lookup within the Instant Quote, the current supplier, MOP and DC/DA is displayed.


Validation Rule: Consumption Tolerance

This new rule is similar to the 'Cost Tolerance' rule added previously but instead focuses on consumption. It enables a percentage tolerance to be set to ensure the average monthly or yearly consumption of a meter does not move outside of a preset level. This can be set on a month-on-month and year-on-year comparison. By default, this value is set to 10% meaning that a validation error is reported when the monthly (or yearly) consumption for this meter exceeds the tolerance in place when compared to the previous comparative period.

Built for:

Validation Rule: Billed Beyond COT Date

This new rule checks for any meters that are marked as inactive against the corresponding Inactive Date. If any invoice bills beyond this inactive date, it will result as a 'Fail' and the user will be notified that the invoice has billed beyond the Site Inactive date.

Built for:

Adapt To Any Meter Type Change

Meter types can change over time (e.g. from Economy 7 to Standard), which means the number of unit types can change too (e.g. we may expect to see two rates for Economy 7, but only one for Standard). If you've previously contracted for a meter using one meter type but it has later been changed to another, our system will now record and relay the correct meter and unit type that it was given at the point of the contract or quote being generated.

Built for: PRO CRM

That’s it for this month.

Our software evolves at such an exciting rate so please feel free to get in touch to discuss any of the functionality we’ve added since you last saw it. We’ll be more than happy to arrange a demo to show you around!

Lessen Your Reliance On Commission

It’s clear that the world is changing. Businesses need your help more than ever. Now is your chance to not only uncover the best price for your customers but to offer a comprehensive energy management solution as well.

For some customers, this service might seem a little alien to them, but this is the new world. Biggest savings are now achieved based on how you use your energy.

You can now offer them a service that is simple and effective, with the carrot being a saving on money and helping the planet!

Enter our two robot friends



With BILL VAL you can tell YOUR customers:

We think BILL VAL is a great product to start offering extra services to your customers. Unlike other bill validation systems, we do not price per meter/invoice validation, which can become incredibly expensive.

With BILL VAL by UtilityClick, you pay one set monthly fee, no matter if you validate one thousand bills or one million. So the more customers you help, the more financial sense it makes!

Are You A Super Supplier Villain?

As an industry, we're surrounded by forward-thinking masterminds and cutting-edge technology but that often stops when communicating with TPIs and direct customers.

This lack of communication often leads to misinterpretation where suppliers are the bad guys.

It's time to turn that idea on its head with a hero of a customer portal...

UtilityClick Can Help You

Your very own white-labelled customer portal. Presented as you whilst discreetly powered by UtilityClick.

Better dialogue with task management tools. Reduce telephone calls, reduce GDPR risky emails and increase efficiency.

Get them hooked and then upsell your additional product offerings.

Empower customers to self-serve and manage renewals.

Boost your DIRECT AND INDIRECT sales channels.

Provide relevant news and reports that will be seen by the right people.

It’s Time To

Put the cape on.

Book A DemoFind Out More

Development Update - October 2022

Spookily October carried on in much the same way as September with much focus on multiple BILL VAL improvements. You'll see below that we've been working on some great new validation rules as well as a couple of useful administration tools.

Away from BILL VAL there's been much focus on the brand-new customer portal that's been nicely taking shape over these last few months. It's currently being used by selected partners to showcase BILL VAL reporting results to their customers but we'll be showing you exactly what it can do in all its glory, over the coming months.

Elsewhere the regular product updates and improvements that you're used to haven't slowed either. Just take a look below at the multitude of bumper updates we released during the month of October...

Bulk Pass/Fail Button

We've added a 'Bulk' button to enable bulk administration of BILL VAL batches. Within each batch, you now have the ability to "Mark All As Passed" or "Mark All As Failed". You can still review the original passed/failed status of each check when selecting each individual Validation Result.

Built for:

Meter Lookup Available within Priced+

Meter Lookup has proved a powerful tool and we've had many requests to enable it within our other products outside of PRO CRM and API. We're happy to say that our PRICED+ subscribers can now utilise lookup functionality too. Please contact your account manager if you wish for this feature to be made available.

Built for: PRICED+

Other bits and bobs...

We've also added the following other bits and bobs...

New Validation Rule - Cost Tolerance

This new rule enables a percentage tolerance to be set to ensure the average monthly or yearly cost of a meter does not move outside of a preset level. This can be set on a month-on-month and year-on-year comparison. By default, this value is set to 10% meaning that a validation error is reported when the monthly (or yearly) cost for this meter exceeds the tolerance in place when compared to the previous comparative period.

Built for:

New Validation Rule - De Minimus VAT Check

The ‘de minimis’ level states that if energy usage falls below a set level then a lower 5% VAT charge must be used. This is regardless of whether the premises is used for business or domestic purposes. We've added a new validation check to adhere to this and ensure that each invoice has been billed to the correct VAT rate based on the de minimis level.

Built for:

UI Amendments to Invoice Validation pages

We've made a few UI improvements to the Validation pages. You can now see the 'Total kWh' and 'Invoice Date' when viewing the Invoices Overview screen. Cost and VAT rate are also now shown to two decimal places.

Built for:

Optional Feature - Check against Live Start and End Dates

By default, BILL VAL will validate against the contract start and end date. When enabled, this optional feature will ensure validation against the contract live dates instead.

Built for:

Bill VAL Export

The Supplier Account Number and Meter Serial Number have been added to the BILL VAL export file.

Built for:

New Validation Rule - Check for duplicate invoices and credit notes

This new rule checks if any of the invoice numbers being imported already exist in the system for the meter in question.

Built for:

Notes Added to Invoices

It's now possible to add and recall custom notes to any batch or individual invoice within the BILL VAL system. Simply click 'Go' and select 'Notes' to start composing.

Built for:

Invoice Details Additions

When reviewing the details of a previous invoice within a site we can now present even more information than before. New information presented includes Invoice From and To dates, Rates, Standing Charge, Available Capacity, Available Capacity Cost and any Bespoke Charges.

Built for:

Linked To field Added to Activities Export

The "Linked To" field is now exported when exporting Activities (within 'Analytics - Export Date - Activities').

Built for: PRO CRM

Monthly budget information included within automated contracts

If required, the system can now automatically present a monthly Direct Debit amount within a generated contract. Saving you time and unnecessary manual paperwork changes.

Built for: PRO CRM

Current Supplier Added To Gas Lookup Results

Now when you perform a gas lookup the current supplier is also displayed.

Built for: PRO CRM

Amendments to Invoice Details page

We've added a filter within Contract exports so you can now export contracts by Termination Status.

Built for: PRO CRM

Amend Site Name Within A Meter Lookup

We've amended the process when adding a new site via Meter Lookup. You can now choose to amend the Site Name directly from the result of any lookup.

Built for: PRO CRM

Telephone & Email added to Activities Export

When exporting details of your Activities, the system will now include the primary contact's telephone and email, or if no primary contact exists, then the first available saved contact will be used instead.

Built for: PRO CRM

Improved Error Reporting on Bulk Contract Import

We've made error reporting improvements so that if an error does occur when bulk importing contract information, then a more accurate description of what line the error occurred on is reported.

Built for: PRO CRM

Ability To Add Custom Terms and Conditions When Generating Contracts

Users can now add their own custom Terms and Conditions (via PDF) for each product. If present the custom PDF will be used in place of any global T&Cs and will be appended to the supplier contract being generated.

Built for: PRO CRM

Ability To Add Notes To Users

Users with sufficient privileges can now access and compose notes (and view their history) of all users within the system. This can be found within the 'Admin - Users' section.

Built for: PRO CRM

Smarter "Contract End Date" For Customers and Leads

When enabled, this optional feature will find the first contract end date of all current and future contracts for a customer and show it as part of the Customer or Lead overview. This is great as a quick indication of when a Lead or Customer may be ready to be reworked.

Built for: PRO CRM

Ability To Add Custom Terms and Conditions When Generating Contracts

Users can now add their own custom Terms and Conditions (via PDF) for each product. If present the custom PDF will be used in place of any global T&Cs and will be appended to the contract being generated.

Built for: PRO CRM

Quick Add New Customer and Lead

This addition means it's now even quicker to add a new Lead or Customer. Simply select 'New Lead/Customer' and a popup will appear. As you start typing (either the company name, address or reg number) the results will be shown live, allowing you to select the company you require. Once selected, the details will be shown pre-populated within the new Lead/Customer screen.

Built for: PRO CRM

Smarter "Contract End Date" For Customers and Leads

When enabled, this optional feature will find the first contract end date of all current and future contracts for a customer and show it as part of the Customer or Lead overview. This is great as a quick indication of when a Lead or Customer will be ready to be reworked.

Built for: PRO CRM

That’s it for this month.

Our software evolves at such an exciting rate so please feel free to get in touch to discuss any of the functionality we’ve added since you last saw it. We’ll be more than happy to arrange a demo to show you around!