At the end of last year, we announced that our new product, Bill Val, had entered a beta phase and was ready to demo. We were rather delighted with the clamour from customers to check it out.

After 2 months of gathering feedback and refining, we’re excited to declare it’s now officially ready and being used in earnest by our customers.

Studies suggest that

" many as 1 in 5 utility bills contain errors that could cause the recipient to overpay."

Import your bill data file from the Supplier (.EDI, .CSV, .XLS, etc.).

Our system thoroughly performs all relevant checks.

Any errors are clearly marked ready to be actioned or reported on.

We’re investing heavily in Bill Val, with our dev team currently busy working away on additional power management features. If you sign up for our current Bill Val product you’ll be able to shape the evolution of future improvements, plus early adopters will benefit from favourable subscription reductions on any prospective upgrades.