It’s clear that the world is changing. Businesses need your help more than ever. Now is your chance to not only uncover the best price for your customers but to offer a comprehensive energy management solution as well.
For some customers, this service might seem a little alien to them, but this is the new world. Biggest savings are now achieved based on how you use your energy.
You can now offer them a service that is simple and effective, with the carrot being a saving on money and helping the planet!
Enter our two robot friends
With BILL VAL you can tell YOUR customers:
"Don't worry Steve, we'll monitor your bills every month for irregularities and misbilling."
"Janet, You'd be surprised just how many times supplier bills are incorrect. It's well known that as many as one in four invoices have errors!"
"Betty, you can now see all of your energy data in one place with our revolutionary new portal. Beautiful reports and better interaction."
"Bob, we could get you integrated with a data collector such as Stark, Npower, EDF or Siemens and present beautiful reporting of your HH data over any period."
We think BILL VAL is a great product to start offering extra services to your customers. Unlike other bill validation systems, we do not price per meter/invoice validation, which can become incredibly expensive.
With BILL VAL by UtilityClick, you pay one set monthly fee, no matter if you validate one thousand bills or one million. So the more customers you help, the more financial sense it makes!