This month our focus has been on reducing the time it takes for you to complete everyday tasks.

We’ve made some really positive, time-saving changes by adding filters to pages that contain lots of results, meaning you can see only what you need to and reduce the time it takes to find and display those results.

In addition, we’ve added more bulk functionality to BILL VAL so you can update your validation results super quickly!

We’ve also had an overhaul of our help guide section to help you be more self-sufficient, spend less time waiting on a response and more time being proactive. As always, if there’s anything you think would be useful to see on Utiliversity please let us know via our Support desk, we’re always open to suggestions!

For this and everything else, take a look below:

Highlighting Exceptions

If you’re ever wondering why a sale isn’t showing in your dashboards then our 'Comms Exceptions' tab in Pipeline can be super helpful.

Originally there were only two reasons a contract would show in this tab: If payment terms weren’t present and if Opportunity Type was set to N/A.  We’ve now extended the reasons to include any accepted contracts that aren’t included in forecasting, they will appear in the 'Comms Exception' tab with a reason of Comms Excluded, helping you keep tab of which contracts need attention.

And with this update comes a friendly reminder to check this tab regularly - ideally there shouldn’t be anything in this list.

Built for: PRO CRM

Speedier Tender Generation

This is a small change but it could save you a few precious seconds when creating contracts.  When you’re going through the process of creating a new contract, you’re asked to select the durations you wish to price for.  We’ve added a ‘Select All’ checkbox to this page in case you want to select all without the manual work of clicking each duration. Small design change, big time saver.

Built for: PRO CRM

Smoother Manual Overrides

Another small change we made this month is to the BILL VAL journey. Often when uploading a large batch, there can be multiple failures.  Previously, you could either pass each line manually, or bulk pass ALL items.

We realised that this wasn’t perfect and we’ve added some more functionality to our Bulk Actions - you can now select which lines you would like to pass or fail, giving you much more flexibility over manual overrides.

Built for: BILL VAL

Keeping Track of Account IDs

As Account IDs can often change in the US, it’s vital that we can store historic meter information against imported commissions to ensure the commission is applied to the correct location.

Until now, we weren’t able to export historic meter information but we understand how important it is to have visibility over this, so, you will now see a checkbox on the 'Portfolio' export where you can decide whether to export Account IDs to see when and who, various accounts were changed to and from.

Built for: PRO CRM (US Only)

Better Search Functionality

If you’ve ever uploaded an invoice you’ll know that they appear in the Customer > Supplies > Invoices section, but you’ll also know that until now they haven’t been filterable - meaning that large, unsearchable lists have lived in your system; not anymore!

You can now choose from a range of filters such as supplier account number, invoice and billing dates, invoice numbers and validation results to narrow down your results drastically, and for the cherry on top, you can put everything in date order too!

Built for: BILL VAL

Time-Saving Auto-Population

More usability-enhancing functionality here - when creating activities linked to a particular bill, we now pre-populate the ‘Linked To’ field with the relevant batch reference. That's not all, we’ve gone one step further and if you create an activity at the invoice level, we copy both the line reference and the batch reference into your activity - saving you tons of time and effort.

Built for: PRO CRM

A Handy Helper

You might have heard us talking about Utiliversity a lot recently.  We’ve now started to remove all of our old 'Help' content and replace it with up-to-date guides on how to use our system.

If you’ve not visited our 'Help' section before, it can be found in the top menu bar on the right-hand side.  Our ‘Online Learning’ section links to all courses or allows you to search for a course if you’re looking for specific help.  You’ll find answers to FAQs and guides on how to set up new sites, supplies and contracts to list a few.

Built for: BILL VAL

BILL VAL Fail Summary

Adding on from our other BILL VAL update, there are times when you might upload a batch of invoices and you’re aware that multiple items will fail for various reasons.

  It is now much easier to view these failures in one place. Within the overview, you can use our new dropdown to select which 'Failure Reasons' you would like to view results for. This will populate a list of invoices that failed due to your selected parameters, you can even select multiple reasons!

As well as this, you can view a quick breakdown of the error by clicking ‘Summary’ to see the failure reasons within the batch overview screen, rather than having to click away and revisit multiple times, we love this update and hope you do too.

Built for: BILL VAL

That’s it for this month.

Our software evolves at such an exciting rate so please feel free to get in touch to discuss any of the functionality we’ve added since you last saw it. We’ll be more than happy to arrange a demo to show you around!