As March came and spring (finally) seemed to have arrived, we really embraced the mantra of 'spring cleaning'. Over the last month, the team has been hard at work to add some useful features that should really help dust down your processes and clean up your workflows.

The pick of which comes in the form of two new additions to PRO CRM: Contract Generation Field Picker and Commission Snapshots.

The former will help give more control over customer contracts that are auto-generated upon a successful quote. Whilst the latter will allow the user to take a snapshot of forecasted commissions at any point in time, to be recalled and reported against at a later date, even if the consumption is revised.

Take a more in-depth look at these two useful new features below (as well as a mixture of 'Other Bits & Bobs'), all in our March development update...

Contract Generation Field Picker

If you're a PRO CRM user you'll know it allows you to initiate tenders and issue contracts for the winning quote. This generated contract will automatically inherit all the information from the quote and prepopulate the data into the relevant fields. A great time saver indeed! But what if for instance you wanted to populate the contract using the billing address instead of the registered address?

Previously it would have required manual editing but that's no longer the case! We've created a smart field picker that will appear when generating a contract that will allow you to swap out any pre-designated elements in the contract with any other information that you hold data on.

Built for: PRO CRM

Commission Snapshots

In most cases, commissions are a fluid commodity. As budget consumption or live dates change, so does the commission.

However, you may want to take a 'Snapshot' of commission to see how things have changed over time. To allow for this, we've introduced an optional feature called 'Commission Snapshots'. Allowing a user to take a snapshot in time of 'Commission' and 'Consumption Forecasts' from either the 'Meter - Commissions' section or from the 'Contract Overview' page.

Talk to your account manager to find out more and to get this feature switched on.

Built for: PRO CRM

Other bits and bobs...

We've also added the following other bits and bobs...

BG Lite, Crown Gas & Power and Shell Energy PDF Mapping

PDF bills supplied by BG Lite, Crown Gas & Power, or Shell Energy can now be uploaded through BILL VAL without the need to transfer to a CSV template. As mentioned previously, we'll continue to update BILL VAL to accept many more supplier PDFs each week.

Built for:

Support for Miscellaneous Charges for EDF

We've adapted the validation process to now check any additional miscellaneous charges added by the supplier (e.g. 'Agreed Availability Charge', 'Reactive Power Charge', 'Settlement Agency Charge', etc.). This is currently enabled with EDF bills but can be rolled out for other suppliers where appropriate.

Built for:

Meter Screen - View Contracts By Live Dates or Contract Dates

Within PRO CRM, you can view an overview of all meters/sites associated with a customer or lead. We've added an optional feature to allow you to select how contract dates should be displayed within this overview. Now, the "Current Contract" and "Next Contract" can either use the actual Live Dates or Contract Dates.

Built for: PRO CRM

Downloadable Error Log For Data Imports

If your data is raw then importing it into our software can be a big job, that's why we try and provide as much feedback from a data import perspective as possible. If there's a lot of data then there will potentially be a lot of feedback. We've made that feedback easier to work through by offering the ability to download a full error log of what needs to be fixed in order to upload successfully. Simply click 'Go' - 'Download Error Log' within the Data Import module.

Built for: PRO CRM

Improvement to Tasks in Customer Portal

We've made two small improvements to the Tasks section of the customer portal. Firstly, when a customer raises a new task they automatically have visibility of said task (previously a task wasn't visible to a customer unless switched on from the parent account, even if the customer had created it themselves). Secondly, it's now possible for a customer to add a new task with additional notes attached (previously it was only possible for a customer to create a new task with just the subject field and no further information).

Built for: PRO CRM

New Error Log Export for BILL VAL

A new workbook labelled 'Error' is now included as part of all BILL VAL invoice exports. This new workbook details only validations that have resulted in failures, making it easier to see what needs actioning/addressing.

Built for:

Small BILL VAL Improvements

We've made a few little tweaks as detailed below:

Batch Reference Name / Invoice Period / Supplier Name / Client Name is now included at the top of the Batch Overview page.

Invoice Actual/Estimate is included on the Batch Overview page and included on the Invoice Details tab.

Total kWh is now pulled through to the Batch Overview page and included on the Invoice Details tab.

Built for:

API Stats for Priced+ Users

Priced+ users can now keep an easy log on the number of API calls made over any given period by visiting the 'Admin - API Stats' section within their account.

Built for: API

That’s it for this month.

Our software evolves at such an exciting rate so please feel free to get in touch to discuss any of the functionality we’ve added since you last saw it. We’ll be more than happy to arrange a demo to show you around!