Your Supplier Journey, Does It WORK?
Elon Musk shows us that it can.
Elon is a clever man. He didn’t invent trucks. Of course he didn’t. They’ve been around for quite some time. So how do you go about revolutionising the truck sector? Well, quite simply, you make it better.
The reason that Tesla has over 1 million truck reservations isn’t just down to its environmental benefits. Here are the big three reasons people are reserving the Cybertruck:
- Looks – quite the head-turner isn’t it? Who wouldn’t want to drive a truck that makes you look like Batman!
- Brand – it’s fair to say that it’s pretty cool to drive a Tesla. They are innovators, forward thinkers and always pushing the boundaries.
- Potential – want to go on a journey reading a book whilst your car/truck drives autonomously? Want your car/truck to be fixed through a WiFi patch update rather than at a garage? It’s fair to say that it’s more likely to happen sooner with Tesla than it is with Ford.
Why is this relevant to the energy sector and the supplier journey?
Well, there are providers out there that offer integrations between supplier and TPI. They’ve been around for a few years. But now UtilityClick has entered the space to make the process smooth, efficient and better!
Our supplier integrations create true automation between suppliers and TPIs, dramatically reducing the cost to serve for both parties.
Dare we compare ourselves to Tesla?
Why Not!...
1. Looks
Our TPI Pro CRM and Supplier Portals have been built on cutting edge technology, creating beautiful front-end applications with primary attention placed on user experience.
2. Brand
We’ve got a great track record in not only building industry-leading software solutions but also building them quickly.
3. Potential
We develop quicker than anyone else in the industry. And with our focus now firmly on TPI/supplier integrations, full automation is on the horizon!
Are you as excited as we are on the future of automation between TPIs and suppliers? Get in touch if so! The only main drawback, we have an Andy, not an Elon. Don’t let that stop you though!
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