We know what you've known for a while:
Price isn't king.Nor is getting paid "RIGHT NOW!".
We're fortunate to work with some of the best TPIs in the industry. They put contracts in place based on more than just price alone.
They want to know what makes you great. They want confidence that there will be good processes in place between them and you. And, ultimately, they want to know that you’ll offer great service to their customers.
With Insights you get access to invaluable marketing information BUT that's only a small part of it...
You'll also get the ability to showcase yourself to TPIs that make decisions on what's best for their customers, not on how quickly they get paid.
Leave the price wars behind
What makes you stand out?
Do you have a dedicated account manager that our TPIs can call on? An excellent billing system? Or may-be SLAs on super-fast query response times?
This, combined with competitive pricing is what drives contracts from the amazing TPIs that use the UtilityClick CRM.
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