The only good bug is a dead bug

You may have seen the BBC article discussing how Public Health England used Excel to track coronavirus cases with disastrous consequences.
Although it’s easy to blame those filthy bugs, it’s actually the choice of software that’s at fault.
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The BBC interviewed data expert Jon Crowcroft (a professor at the University of Cambridge), who had this to say:

"Excel was always meant for people mucking around with a bunch of data for their small company to see what it looked like, and then when you need to do something more serious, you build something bespoke that works."

Managing customer and supplier data for your brokerage is much the same. When you’re starting out, Excel offers a good value solution but it won’t be long before you’ll need to step up your game.
You’ll need something specialist, something powerful. Something to eradicate those user-flow bugs.
We've done our part...
That’s exactly why at UtilityClick we’ve built you your very own bespoke CRM.
With our Pro CRM you can:
Upload Leads, manage call-backs, then track and convert into Customers. Once they’re onboarded you can generate mass pricing quotes, manage multi-site locations and forecast your commission, all from one powerful system.
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(for a 20-minute demo)

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Development Update – May 2024

This month we reluctantly said goodbye to the football season, and now we need…

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Development Update – April 2024

This month we really wanted to focus on how usable our system is, so we’ve been putting…

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    "The Wire" vs. CRM Support

    Receiving support for a CRM can be a bit like watching the TV show The Wire. You’re sure that what you’re seeing on screen is of the highest quality, yet you’re unable to follow exactly what’s going on.

    Learning how to use a powerful CRM for the first time can be daunting enough without any additional language barriers and it doesn’t matter how good the software is if users can’t understand how to use those awesome features.

    Which brings us nicely back to The Wire – The TV show is generally held aloft as “The greatest of all time” but most find it an incredibly hard watch due to the thick Baltimore accents and complex dialect.

    ...CRM support requests in the world of The Wire might read:

    "We're ON THE SHELF, MOUNTING UP for A DUNKER of a CRM. Enlighten us on a customer's 10–29 and send a quote, so we can OUTTIE 5000? YOU FEEL ME?"

    (roughly translated: We're in the office and ready to use your wonderful CRM. Could you please tell us how we can check a customer's record and send them a quote? Then we can all go home on time. Does that all make sense?)

    Like The Wire, UtilityClick may or may not be “The greatest of all time” (we think it probably is…) but thankfully we take the “Daphne from Fraser” approach on language.

    When choosing something as integrated as a CRM you need to ensure that the company you choose can speak your language. Not just during the sales process when everything is rosy but when things get serious and concise support is vital.

    That’s why we’ll get you started by talking to you and your team with terminology they’ll understand. What’s more, we offer phone support FREE with every subscription – real people, speaking your language, available when you need it most.

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    Development Update – May 2024

    This month we reluctantly said goodbye to the football season, and now we need…

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    Development Update – April 2024

    This month we really wanted to focus on how usable our system is, so we’ve been putting…

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      Could a CRM give you pleasure?

      I’m going to hazard a guess – you, the reader, have once felt some kind of strong emotional response while:

      • Watching a movie
      • Listening to a piece of music
      • Gazing at a work of art

      …but probably never while online, confirming the purchase for your favourite detergent?

      Let's take a step back for a moment...


      Whether you love or hate their products, there's no denying their success.

      Their ginormous resurgence over the last couple of decades hasn’t come from creating the best hardware but by how it makes a user feel.

      Case in point – A common question hurled at Apple customers might be:

      "Why would you pay $3,000 for something that would only cost $1,000 for the PC powered equivalent; you absolute buffoon!?"

      It’s a fair question (minus the buffoon) and the answer was found by Steve Jobs and his team back in 2001, with the release of the original iPod.

      They posed a radical question – What if Apple’s ultimate goal wasn’t (like their competitors) to increase profits. Instead, what if their primary goal was to give consumers pleasure from buying and using Apple products? Then the profits would take care of themselves.

      It’s a discovery that has shaped many products since.

      By replacing archaic clicking actions with more natural gestures, giving the user a feeling of goal completion through touch, or simply adding visual flourishes or animation when moving between processes.

      If you can create something that feels natural and gives emotionally positive feedback when used, we as human beings will feel connected with it. If done right it will trigger chemical reactions within the brain, known as pleasure.

      Which brings us nicely back to your CRM.

      If you are using a CRM to manage your day-to-day business, you’re likely interacting with it more than you interact with your own family. As such, shouldn’t it be as pleasurable as possible to use?

      We’re humbled to hear the positive feedback we get from our customers about how nice our system is to use but we know there is always work to be done.

      Just like Steve, at UtilityClick we take user experience very seriously and continuously improving the UX is very much part of our roadmap. Over the next few months, we’ll be making even more improvements to ensure that our customers days are that little bit more pleasurable.

      Get in touch below if you’d like to be the worm in our apple.

      Latest articles...

      Development Update – May 2024

      This month we reluctantly said goodbye to the football season, and now we need…

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      Development Update – April 2024

      This month we really wanted to focus on how usable our system is, so we’ve been putting…

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        Come with us if you want to live…

        As a sequel to our previous time travelling Insights article, we look now to the present and see how code automation has helped build reliability and intelligence.

        If you’ve read part one, you’ll be aware that so far this year we’ve released a whopping 680 upgrades (that’s in the first 6 months of 2020 alone). These range from all-but-invisible performance tweaks, or minor bug fixes, right up to huge modular extensions (like our recent addition of the Water module).

        This number of deployments is by no means unusual for us but they do require a significant resource in man and machine power prior to release; specifically when testing.

        This is why we have invested so heavily in building an automated testing machine for the future.

        Ultimately, we’ve built something that

        can't be reasoned with, it can't be bargained with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear and it absolutely will not stop. Ever...

        Until any potential bugs have been found and tested.

        Our Process

        Once an upgrade has been coded and signed off by our developers, it enters the testing phase where:

        As Miles Dyson or Skynet can attest, it is, of course, impossible to ensure 100% certainty for any technological release. However, with these measures in place, we’re able to mitigate against issues way above the norm and look to provide a seamless transition between versions T-800 and the T-850, and the T-1000 and the T-3000…

        The future has not been written. There is no fate but what we make…

        So if you’d like to experience a future where you can run multi-site tenders, monitor sales opportunities and forecast commission payments, please ask for a demo.

        Latest articles...

        Development Update – May 2024

        This month we reluctantly said goodbye to the football season, and now we need…

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        Development Update – April 2024

        This month we really wanted to focus on how usable our system is, so we’ve been putting…

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          Where we're going we don't need roads

          We know what you’re thinking...

          ..."Wait a minute, Doc. Are you telling me you built a time machine...out of a DeLorean?"

          Yes, yes we have.

          Back then we felt we were in a unique position, having experience of both software development and brokering energy. We knew the software we wanted to build didn’t exist and we were confident others in the industry felt the same.

          We worked harder than Biff cleaning his manure filled car, to get that first version of our CRM released (and probably smelt worse too). But we were very aware that that was just the beginning.

          Fast forward and...

          ...if my calculations are correct,

          so far this year we’ve released over 1000 upgrades to the UtilityClick system (that’s in 2020 alone).

          That number may seem heavy but it’s by no means unusual for us. Each broker is different and we know we must constantly adapt the system to stay current.

          Take a look at the release timeline below, detailing our most important updates:

          Our Timeline

          Major Features Added To The UC CRM

          You may think that approaching a CRM to ask for a specific feature to be built just for you would result in a…

          ..."Why don’t you make like a tree and get outta here?"


          But we are a little different – we recognise that our customers drive our platform to be better and so we review every customer suggestion seriously.

          Over the past 5 years, throughout this process, we’ve onboarded a team of world-class developers that are excited to be continuously building ingenious new features for our customers – Even if…

          ...I guess you guys aren’t ready for that yet. Your kids are gonna love it.

          Don’t see a feature you require? Not all elements are listed – contact us to check.

          If there’s a useful feature that doesn’t exist within UtilityClick, there’s a very good chance we’ll build it.

          Come back stronger with a free trial

          Ok, maybe we’re not quite 100% “back on the street” just yet and there has been more ‘Tiger King‘ than ‘Eye Of The Tiger‘ but there is an undeniable feeling of momentum building.

          If we’re looking for positives from this enforced hiatus then there has never been a better time to self evaluate how we could all be better. It’s time to put the gloves onthe road back has begun.

          We’d like to invite you to use this time and take advantage of a free trial of the UtilityClick CRM. No obligation.

          Maybe you have lots of dead leads that could be re-worked, unclaimed commissions with suppliers that need chasing, or even a mass of spreadsheet data that needs to be cleansed.

          Take a free trial

          and you'll see how:

          Our Lead Management Module will help you work those opportunities in a new way.

          Our industry-leading Commission Module will allow you to identify and claim unpaid commissions.

          We'll help you tidy your data so you can hit the ground running when things get back to normal.

          If, after the trial is over you decide that UtilityClick isn’t for you then there’ll be no questions asked. Until then, take a look and see why we think UtilityClick will help rise you up to the challenge of your rival.