Development Update - December 2021

As the team return from a restful Christmas break, we look back at everything we completed in the final month of 2021. It's fitting that we start the New Year with a clean slate and a new look to our flagship products. Over the last few months, the team have been creating a completely new design for our PRO CRM, BILL VAL and PORTAL products. We're extremely excited to show you the results.

We've also received positive feedback on our integration with Tickd. Up until very recently, we've encouraged our customers to forge their own direct supplier relationships but it's been clear that having an alternative offering, straight out the box, is also proving useful.

Read on to hear how you can utilise the new design, the Tickd integration, as well as other bits & bobs.

System Redesign

You may have seen back in October that we teased a ghostly glimpse of the new design and we've already rolled it out to a few willing participants. We'll be contacting all our customers shortly to see if you'd like to trial the new look within your system.

Tickd Expansion

When managing quotes within the PRO CRM, you can now choose to employ the (green) "Get Tickd Quotes" button and utilise the connections that Tickd have assembled (currently British Gas Lite, Scottish Power and TotalEnergies). If you'd like to utilise this optional feature and would like further guidance, please contact your account manager.

Built for: PRO CRM (UK ONLY)

Other bits and bobs...

We've also added the following other bits and bobs...

NEW Reporting On Activities

We've added a brand new dashboard focussed solely on Activities. You can now drill down to Activities completed by team members and specific customers as well as gain insight in to activities completed within a certain timeframe.

Built for: PRO CRM

Alert before marking an activity as done

We've added an optional feature that when enabled will offer the user a 'Yes' or 'No' alert when marking an activity as 'Done'. This can help avoid those costly accidents where a team member clears an activity before it has been actioned.

Built for: PRO CRM

EDF Energy Contract Submission

We've been working with EDF to give UtilityClick TPIs the ability to submit contracts directly to EDF, once a quote has been marked as accepted. If you have a relationship with EDF, please contact your account manager for more information.


Water commission percentage

When creating a bespoke tender for water supply, we've added the ability to set a commission percentage of the contract. Previously you could only select a £/m3.

Built for: PRO CRM (UK Only)

Auto-upload Unsigned LOA to Customer Section

When generating an LOA within the system, you can now choose 'Generate & Save' to automatically add the LOA to the Customer Details section.

Built for: PRO CRM

Oh Duck Screen Improvements

Everyone hates an error screen so we've tried to soften the blow of ours by giving you the chance to play a version of the 1984 hit Duck Hunt each time it appears.

Built for: PRO CRM

Bulk Uplift for Bespoke Tenders

Previously our system has allowed for a bulk uplift to be added for matrix tenders. We've now added this feature so that it's also available on bespoke tenders too.

Built for: PRO CRM

Quicker Reporting

We've introduced further speed enhancements to make our new reporting that little bit quicker.

Built for: PRO CRM

System Export Enhancements

Over the last 12 months, we've been rewriting the way our system exports data. This month we've adapted the commission module. Now your commission exports will be generated much faster.

Built for: PRO CRM

Customer Name Added To Detailed Quote Export

We've updated our 'Detailed Quote' export (found under Partner > Procurement > Input Prices > Quotes), so that it now includes parent and child customer information.

Built for: PRO CRM (UK Only)

Supplier Insights Dashboard

We've revolutionised the dashboards of our Supplier Insights product to include the same cutting-edge technology found within our PRO CRM product.

Built for: INSIGHTS

New Dashboard Improvements

We told you last month about the monumental upgrade we've been making to our reporting. We continue to refine these reports and have begun the process of switching these on for an initial select group of customers.

That’s it for this month.

Our software evolves at such an exciting rate so please feel free to get in touch to discuss any of the functionality we’ve added since you last saw it. We’ll be more than happy to arrange a demo to show you around!

Development Update - November 2021

There's a pleasant feeling in seeing something that we've all worked so hard on finally being applied in the "real world". This month saw the cutting of ribbons on two long time projects, namely the new dashboards, and the Tickd integration.

For the dashboards in particular, it's an incredible milestone that the team can be proud of. We must also offer our thanks. Many of you depend significantly on the reporting it provides, so it's taken great understanding on your part to make the switch.

Read on to hear more about dashboards, Tickd and the "Other Bits & Bobs" that we've been working on in November.

Tickd Integration

We've now added the ability to run pricing through Tickd to all UK based CRM PRO accounts. No matter your supplier relationship coverage, you can now (optionally) utilise this new Tickd connectivity to pass on greater tariff flexibility to your customers.

In short, it can offer pricing versatility to give you an edge over competitors. We'll be working with Tickd to add even more suppliers and we'll be in touch once live.

Built for: PRO CRM (UK Only)

Dashboards Live

Our reporting had previously been powered by PowerBI and although robust, it had been clear to us for some time that it was limiting the diversity of our reporting. With the new system in place, we're completely uncapped on the variety and customisation of potential reports.

You may have seen from our recent dashboards article that we're planning on showcasing more on what the new system can do. Keep an eye on our website for a new series of video shorts that we've named: Reporting Drilldown.


Other bits and bobs...

We've also added the following other bits and bobs...

Improved Navigation For New Dashboards

We've made it quicker to jump straight into any of your dashboards from anywhere within the system. Simply select the one you need from the new dropdown on the main menu.

Built for: PRO CRM

Improved Bulk Import for MOP & DC/DA Data

When bulk uploading 'Meter Operator / Contract' information, you can now import "Deal Status" and "Accepted Date" for MOP or DCDA records. Thus saving you valuable time not having to enter information on a per meter basis.

Built for: PRO CRM (UK Only)

That’s it for this month.

Our software evolves at such an exciting rate so please feel free to get in touch to discuss any of the functionality we’ve added since you last saw it. We’ll be more than happy to arrange a demo to show you around!

Development Update - October 2021

This month's Development Update has taken a slightly different shape from the norm. We have the usual lowdown of what the team has been up to but we're also delighted to announce a jam-packed bonus box of items for the PRO CRM.

These are items that have been developed previously but have never been deployed across the board. Most have come directly from customer requests. There's some big, some small, some with niche uses, and some broad.

Check it out below, together with the other bits and bobs that have taken our focus in October.

A Jam-Packed Bonus

Our Sales director Andy, has put together a whirlwind recorded demo to take you through each bonus item. Check out the video by clicking the banner below.

Built for: PRO CRM

What's in this bumper jar? Default User Filter to be My Users. An extension to Analytics that allows employee payments to be calculated, exported and marked as paid. The ability to highlight a "Decision Maker". Quickly log the result of a call. Automatically mark all Meters within a Site as inactive when making a Site inactive. A new Fixed Fee Commission Type. The option to configure Gas Seasonality. Bill Validation in the Customer Portal. Added adjustments by Consumption View.

Additional Payment Terms

This feature has been hotly requested from our US customers but is also available across the pond. We now have four additional payment terms to select from: Live Split & Arrears, Signed Split & Arrears, Total Sign Annual Remainder, and First Year Sign Annual Remainder. Contact your account manager to explore the differences and discover how you can best utilise these payment terms.

Built for: PRO CRM

Other bits and bobs...

We've also added the following other bits and bobs...

Speed improvements on Imports

We've rewritten the import module for Quotes, Meters and Sites using pure SQL code. This means imports will now complete much faster.

Built for: PRO CRM

Speed improvements on Sales Exports

Just like the Sales imports mentioned previously, Sales exports have also been rewritten using pure SQL to provide further speed enhancements.

Built for: PRO CRM

"Date Created" added when Creating A Customer

The system can now record and present a "Date Created" value that details when any lead or customer was created (either manually or via bulk upload).

Built for: PRO CRM

Supplier Insights Dashboard Improvements

Supplier Insights has been updated to allow for better tracking of performance and to see the effects of adjusting matrix and bespoke pricing.

Built for: INSIGHTS

"Out of Date Badge" Improvements

Our system already displays a handy "Out Of Date" badge on quotes if the pricing previously generated is no longer current. The logic for this has been improved to notify users of further instances where pricing is out of date, such as when flat files have been completely removed.

Built for: PRO CRM

UI Improvements for USA Usage

Our usage module allows you to enter an absolute consumption value over a period of time for any given site. We've added the ability to add an 'End Date' to any inputted usage data. This helpfully defaults to the end of the month.

Built for: PRO CRM (USA Only)

Option to use Financial Reconciled data when reporting

A tick box has been added when reporting financials called "Reconciled". When ticked, the forecast and actual figures are presented based on the figures from the Financial Reconciled dashboard report, not the Financial Report (which is used by default).

Built for: PRO CRM (USA Only)

Prevent Duplicate Reference Numbers

Many customers utilise the reference numbers that are automatically assigned to Leads/Customers, Tenders, Quotes etc. Previously it has been possible to obtain duplicate values across different types (e.g. A quote and a tender could have the same reference). We've now added an alpha prefix to each one to ensure EVERY reference is unique.

That’s it for this month.

Our software evolves at such an exciting rate so please feel free to get in touch to discuss any of the functionality we’ve added since you last saw it. We’ll be more than happy to arrange a demo to show you around!

Development Update - September 2021

If we had to pick one word to describe this month, it would be "BUMPER".

Back in the summer months, we reported that our dev team had expanded and the new recruits were busily finding their way around our code. Now, looking back over this month's releases, it's truly apparent how much we've benefitted from these extra adept pairs of hands.

We can't detail every release here for risk of this article becoming a book but our amazing team has completed circa one hundred system improvements over the last 30 days. Astonishing.

Below we've picked some of the headline features to tell you about:

Effortlessly Recycle Dead Leads

We know that today's dead leads can be potentially valuable leads tomorrow. Unfortunately, they can be easily forgotten and fall off of your prospect list. With this new feature, you can now recycle these leads back into any team member's lead list. Within the Leads section, simply click the "Bulk" dropdown and select "Recycle Dead Leads" to begin the transfer.

Built for: PRO CRM

Add TPS or CTPS Information

This new feature will ensure you don't contact customers who have enrolled on to TPS (Telephone Preference Service) and CTPS (Corporate TPS) schemes. You can now import this information or update it directly within the system. As CTPS requires annual renewal, this information will helpfully expire after 12 months.

Built for: PRO CRM (UK Only)

Other bits and bobs...

We've also added the following other bits and bobs...

Auto Set Persistently Uncontactable Leads To Dead

When a Customer 'Calls Made' reaches 5, the system will now automatically change the lead status to 'Dead' with a reason of 'No Contact'.

Built for: PRO CRM

Account Phase Type Added

US Customers can now choose an Account 'Phase' type when adding account information for interval electric accounts.

Built for: PRO CRM (USA Only)

Improved Error Messaging with Data Imports

Previously importing payment files with an incorrect unit of measure would result in an unhelpful generic error message. We've updated our error messaging to help you drill down to any potential unit of measure error.

Built for: PRO CRM (USA Only)

Show 'Snapshot' for Customers

We have a rather useful screen in our PRO CRM that gives a quick snapshot of your 'Lead' information. We've enabled this view so you can now see snapshot information on 'Customers' too.

Built for: PRO CRM

Helpful Redirect After Adding a Lead

We're striving to make our system as efficient as possible. As such we've made an important UX change when adding a new lead. Post lead creation you'll now be redirected to that leads details page.

Built for: PRO CRM

Add Annual Difference Percentage to Input Prices

When viewing comparable prices to the current contract (in Input Prices), we've added a % breakdown of the difference to complement the monetary difference.


Streamlined Pricing Request Process

We've streamlined the process when creating a new Matrix/Custom request. Now, when you've added your meter(s) to your request, you can select to "Save & Price" the request immediately if desired.

Built for: PRO CRM

New Expected Commission Rate

We've updated our reporting to now show you the 'Expected Commission Rate' on consumption requests.

Built for: PRO CRM (UK Only)

DC/DA Eligibility

When editing/adding individual sites (or uploading in bulk), you can now record if any given meter has DC/DA eligibility

Built for: PRO CRM (UK Only)

Customer Name Added To Detailed Quote Export

We've updated our 'Detailed Quote' export (found under Partner > Procurement > Input Prices > Quotes), so that it now includes parent and child customer information.

Built for: PRO CRM (UK Only)

Supplier Insights Dashboard

We've revolutionised the dashboards of our Supplier Insights product to include the same cutting-edge technology found within our PRO CRM product.

Built for: INSIGHTS

New Dashboard Improvements

We told you last month about the monumental upgrade we've been making to our reporting. We continue to refine these reports and have begun the process of switching these on for an initial select group of customers.

BILL VAL Error Reporting

BILL VAL now offers considerably more feedback when uploading files to be validated. We'll release further information around a huge BILL VAL update shortly.

Built for: BILL VAL

Fixed Fee Commission Type

For manually-added quotes (for both Matrix and Bespoke) you can now add a fixed fee standard payment to a contract.

Built for: PRO CRM

API Event Emitter

We've added a hidden layer to our software that will allow for any number of third party APIs to communicate with it. Stay tuned for some exciting integrations over the coming months.

Built for: PRO CRM

That’s it for this month.

Our software evolves at such an exciting rate so please feel free to get in touch to discuss any of the functionality we’ve added since you last saw it. We’ll be more than happy to arrange a demo to show you around!

Development Update - August 2021

If you read our May update article (and your memory is exceptional!), you may recall it was a very bitty month, with lots of small improvements and releases.

August has been as far removed from that as possible. Although there's still been a few side tasks, the core of our development focus has been towards one big project - our new dashboards and reporting.

Much of the work we do here on the dev team is on an individual basis. However, these big projects take a lot of coordination between the whole team (and other departments too!).

It's been so rewarding seeing everyone's expertise combining to make something exceptional. Read on to find out more and discover what else we've released during the month of August...

Dashboards And Reporting

We've completely redeveloped all reporting and dashboards from the ground up. We're currently testing and retesting with selected accounts. Once turned on, you'll see huge improvements both in clarity and speed. You can view our recent teaser article & video on dashboards, right here.

Other bits and bobs...

We've also added the following other bits and bobs...

Customer References section now links to Contacts & Users

Within the PRO CRM you can add additional Customer References for each Lead or Customer, should they be required internally. We've now added the ability to reference Contacts & Users data within this Customer Reference section.

Built for: PRO CRM

'Date Created' field added to Customers and Leads

The system logs and records many important historical changes to your data. We've updated this logging to include a "Date Created" field, which can now be viewed by users with Admin privileges.

Built for: PRO CRM

USA Gas Commission Calculation Bugs

We fixed a bug when determining US gas commissions. Previously a calculation error occurred when the system attempted to convert between unit types.

Built for: PRO CRM

Customer References section now links to Contacts & Users

Within the PRO CRM you can add additional Customer References for each Lead or Customer, should they be required internally. We've now added the ability to reference Contacts & Users data within this Customer Reference section.

Built for: PRO CRM

'Date Created' field added to Customers and Leads

The system logs and records many important historical changes to your data. We've updated this logging to include a "Date Created" field, which can now be viewed by users with Admin privileges.

Built for: PRO CRM

That’s it for this month.

Our software evolves at such an exciting rate so please feel free to get in touch to discuss any of the functionality we’ve added since you last saw it. We’ll be more than happy to arrange a demo to show you around!

Development Update - July 2021

You may have seen from social media that UtilityClick has been growing significantly. Here on the dev team, we're happy to say that this expansion has also bled over into our department, as this month we welcomed two new senior .Net developers.

It's been an enjoyable few weeks getting them up to speed and they'll soon be ready to be let loose on the big projects.

Whilst they get up to speed with the system, we've been working hard on a particularly meaty assignment - upgrading our dashboards and reporting. It's really exciting to see it develop but it's not quite ready to be pushed for release just yet. There's been plenty of development on other fronts though; read on to see what we've released in July...

Meter Lookup With MPAN

We've added the ability to search for a site or meter location by MPAN. The whole process has been completely streamlined allowing you to now use either a postcode or meter. Once located, you can add the site directly from the search results. Watch a quick video on it here.

Built for: PRO CRM (UK Only)

Authenticate With Microsoft

We've added an optional extra so that teams can now authenticate to the majority of our services via an existing Microsoft login and password. Authentication changes to your account will require setup time so please speak to your account manager and we'll schedule a future date & time.

Create Commission Overviews

Previously when adding a new supplier you would need to add your own Commission Overviews for each addition (the commission overview section is where our customers upload commission information). Now, if you visit Analytics > Commissions > and click the "New Entry" button, there's a new option labelled "Create Missing Commission Overviews".

Built for: PRO CRM

Other bits and bobs...

We've also added the following other bits and bobs...

Improved History Logging For Contract Live Dates

Within your CRM PRO there's a history log of what's been changed by your team. We've expanded the logging within the contract details view, so amendments to live dates (via the termination and registration tab) are now recorded.

Built for: PRO CRM

Hide Annual Cost/Diff in PDF Quotes

An optional feature has been added to allow "Total Cost" and "Annual Diff" columns to be hidden when generating a PDF from an Instant Quote. This option can be turned on so that admin users are able to control its visibility within their account (under Admin>Settings).


Flat File Version Visibility

Admin users can now see the Flat File version information that's being used to generate pricing. Useful for understanding when prices were last updated.


Add New Capacity Charge Type (£/kva/day)

Some suppliers (e.g. Npower) include a capacity charge in units of £ kVa/d. We've now included this value so it's visible and exportable in our quoting tool.

Built for: PRO CRM (UK Only)

That’s it for this month.

Our software evolves at such an exciting rate so please feel free to get in touch to discuss any of the functionality we’ve added since you last saw it. We’ll be more than happy to arrange a demo to show you around!

Development Update - June 2021

June has most definitely been a 'SPEED' month here on the dev team.

We love these tasks - they're not necessarily about adding a new feature but finding creative ways to make a process quicker.

When looking to subscribe to a new software package, primarily you're looking to see if it does A, B or C. However the often-forgotten element is: How quickly can it do A, B or C? If your software is slow, it not only adds time to a task, but breaks your rhythm too.

Read on to learn how we've engaged the afterburners for our users by adding bulk management tools and adapted the way our system exports data.

Speedier Data Exports

If you have a lot of data loaded then system exports can take a long time to be ready. We've rewritten each module using pure SQL code, which means requested exports will now complete much faster.

Built for: UKUSA

Bulk Reassigning Customers

We realise the unnecessary admin required if you need to make wholesale changes to a customer. We've now made it super easy for you to bulk reassign customers based on changes to your team.

Built for: UKUSA

Other bits and bobs...

We've also added the following other bits and bobs...

"Business Type" added to Data Export

A new column has been added to Sales Export to help differentiate between Custom/Bespoke and Matrix opportunities.

Built for: UKUSA

New "Lost" Status

When managing your Pipeline and selecting a deal status of "Lost Contract" - a new "Duplicate" option can now be selected for "Reason for Loss".

Built for: UKUSA

Scottish Power Pricing Zones Updated

We fixed an issue with Scottish Power pricing where gas quotes needed amending depending on Zone Type.

Built for: UK

Verbal Script Commission Warning

We've added an optional feature when generating a verbal script. You can now prefix a script with an additional disclaimer, explaining the process of adding a commission rate to any deal.

Built for: UKUSA

"Referral Partner" field added to Customer template

When bulk uploading customers you can now include a "Referral Partner" that will subsequently be shown within the system. Download the latest customer template from your Admin area to use.

Built for: UKUSA


Currently, making a customer inactive does not automatically make associated meters inactive. This optional feature will ensure that any sites and meters associated with an inactive customer are also set to inactive.

Built for: UKUSA

Non-UC Admins Can Delete Failed Imports

User levels below Admin are now able to remove any failed data imports.

Built for: UKUSA

Improved Referral Partner Export

We've sped up your workflow by allowing the month and year fields to be left blank when running a "Referral Commissions" export. If left blank all available data will be exported.

Built for: UKUSA

That’s it for this month.

Our software evolves at such an exciting rate so please feel free to get in touch to discuss any of the functionality we’ve added since you last saw it. We’ll be more than happy to arrange a demo to show you around!

Development Update - May 2021

The month of May has been a bitty one in the dev team.

New feature ideas come from all sources. As you might imagine, most are spawned from our customers but many are generated by staff and some are simply dictated by industry change.

The priority of each feature idea can vary for numerous reasons but two common traits considered are "How long will it take to develop?" vs. "How many customers will it help?".

As mentioned, for one reason or another, this month it's the 'bitty' features that have taken our priority. They're relatively quick to develop compared to the showstoppers but when combined, you have a set of new features that will hopefully help the many.

Read on to find out more about each of these features.

Supplier Pricing Participation

You can now mark whether a Supplier will be participating within a tender/custom pricing request. Suppliers can also update the flag within their portals. Ideal for keeping on top of who will be quoting on pricing day.

Built for: UKUSASupplierLinks

Parent/Child Pipeline UI

We've updated the system interface to make it much easier to review your Parent/Child portfolios. You can now use a collapsible grid to easily view all child contracts linked to a single parent contract.

Built for: UKUSASupplierLinks

Show rates in dollars rather than cents

We've listened based on your feedback and updated the system accordingly. Rates in the USA system can now be shown in dollars as well as cents.

Built for: USA

Other bits and bobs...

We've also added the following other bits and bobs...

System Export enhancements

Numerous columns have been added to data export across the entire system, providing a more detailed level of reporting.

Built for: UKUSA

History Logging - Leads and Contracts

History logging within Leads and Contracts have been improved to help you monitor even more changes with your data.

Built for: UKUSA

Business Type added to Contracts, Tenders & Sales Exports

Business Type has been added to Contracts, Tenders & Sales Export reports.

Built for: UKUSA

User Type access applied to Employee Payments section

Based on customer feedback, we have added User-Level access to the Employee Payment section of the system.

Built for: UKUSA

Option To Exclude Completed Activities from Activities Export

A tick box has been added to the Activities Export page to allow you to exclude completed activities from the report.

Built for: UKUSA

Suppliers with no relationships excluded from matrix pricing

We have amended the system to only show by default matrix pricing for suppliers that are marked as No Relationship within the supplier section.

Built for: UKUSA

Other field added to Supplier Contacts

A new field called Other has been added to Supplier Contacts so that you can also add contacts that don't fit into our pre-set categories.

Built for: UKUSA

Bug fix - changing meter/account usage

We have fixed a bug that was causing an error screen when changing usage figures within a tender/custom pricing request

Built for: UKUSA

That’s it for this month.

Our software evolves at such an exciting rate so please feel free to get in touch to discuss any of the functionality we’ve added since you last saw it. We’ll be more than happy to arrange a demo to show you around!

Development Update - April 2021

It's been another busy month for the dev team. Although (in the UK at least), we've had a lot of national and school holidays (Easter), we've by no means slowed our usually high-paced release schedule.

The phrase "Time and tide wait for no man" comes to mind... but it should really be rewritten to "Time, new features and tide wait for no man".

Here are a few of the items that have taken the bulk of the team's time this month, together with a brief description:

Employee Payment Terms

We've added a brand new feature as an enhancement to our Commissions module. You can now create your employee payment profiles. The system will then report to you the monthly payments due to your internal agents!

Monthly Usage Tool

When switched on it will allow you to store monthly usage interval data you hold for the meter in question, feeding into your commissions. Simply locate the relevant file, upload and let the UtilityClick system do the rest.

We've completed the US phase of this feature. Next month we plan to begin the implementation process on the UK system.

Other bits and bobs...

It's never just about the big projects. We've also added the following other bits and bobs...


The system has been enhanced to return the appropriate Available Capacity rate based on kVA banding levels.


The click-to-dial tooltip has been updated to show the phone number for the appropriate contact for those TPIs not using the dialler integrator software.


Exporting lead data from the system for our TPIs who have lots of leads was taking a while. We've optimised the export now to reduce waiting times for accessing the report.


We've added "Tender Refresh" to our list of Tender Activity Types. Ideal when your customer doesn't sign down the first time around!


The time that an activity is created/due/completed has now been added to the activity export report.


The product name for quotes/contracts has been added to the customer portal to help your end-user customers on tender day.


These are users who can be added for internal purposes but do not increase the cost of subscription.


We've made speed improvements to the creation of major tenders - with bigger optimisations on the way soon!

That’s it for this month.

Our software evolves at such an exciting rate so please feel free to get in touch to discuss any of the functionality we’ve added since you last saw it. We’ll be more than happy to arrange a demo to show you around!