Development Update - April 2023
This month:
Welcome to our dev update for the month of APRIL, or, if we drop the 'R' and the 'L', we could perhaps call it the month of API.
Previously customers have utilised our API to push information from our software through to other systems such as external reporting or a non-energy-specific CRM.
Our latest release sees a long-awaited upgrade that will now allow data to be pulled from external applications too.
What does this all mean? A 2-way, push/pull API allows for unlimited integration, either with a third-party app or your own custom solution.
Put simply, you can now fully utilise our powerful software however you wish, whether you need UtilityClick to automatically create contracts pulled from a separate internal system or push lead information from UtilityClick to be stored in an off-the-shelf solution like Salesforce.
With this work completed, we'll be integrating with more applications in the near future but for now, read on to hear how the updated API has improved our integration with Tickd, plus there's the usual mix of 'Other Bits & Bobs', all in our April development update...
Enhanced Tickd Integration With 2-Way API
Using the API work mentioned above we have added 2-way functionality for those that utilise the Tickd price comparison tool with our PRO CRM. With this new feature, Tickd can now write to the UtiliyClick system to automatically add customers, and create sites, meters and contracts.
Want to know more? Contact your account manager.
Built for: PRO CRM
Other bits and bobs...
We've also added the following other bits and bobs...
Quote For Non-Limited Companies Through Tickd
When requesting pricing through our connection with Tickd it's mandatory to provide a valid company registration number for it to succeed. This has previously made it tricky to receive quotes via Tickd for non-limited companies. We've added an optional bypass where a user can enter the Company Reg. TE888888 to inform Tikcd that the company is not limited and allow the quote to proceed.
Advanced Sites Search
We've spent time improving our advanced search functionality when looking for site addresses. Previously when searching any site address within the Customers or Leads modules it was necessary to input a fully completed line of address to bring back any results. Now, your search can be as vague as you need and the improved search function will match all relevant sites.
Longitude / Latitude Lookup
When a new site address is added we'll now also look up and store the longitude and latitude value for you. This information can then be used by our software to show map and location data where required.
Built for: PRO CRM
Bill Validation UI
We've updated the UI of BILL VAL to include four new tabs to keep track of current and past validations. They comprise of 'Validated', 'Under Query', 'Complete', and 'All'.
Built for:
Auto-Genenerate Queries
We've added a feature to help manage any failed bill validations and auto-generate tasks to manage a resolution. If a bill validation batch contains one or more failed results, then (within the 'Bill Validation' overview screen) you can now click 'Go' - 'Auto Gen Queries'. A popup will appear to assign a task against the failure, whilst also moving the batch to the 'Under Query' section. The resulting created task will automatically inherit all the necessary information from the report, ready to be actioned by whichever team member is chosen from within the popup.
Built for:
That’s it for this month.
Our software evolves at such an exciting rate so please feel free to get in touch to discuss any of the functionality we’ve added since you last saw it. We’ll be more than happy to arrange a demo to show you around!
Development Update - March 2023
This month:
As March came and spring (finally) seemed to have arrived, we really embraced the mantra of 'spring cleaning'. Over the last month, the team has been hard at work to add some useful features that should really help dust down your processes and clean up your workflows.
The pick of which comes in the form of two new additions to PRO CRM: Contract Generation Field Picker and Commission Snapshots.
The former will help give more control over customer contracts that are auto-generated upon a successful quote. Whilst the latter will allow the user to take a snapshot of forecasted commissions at any point in time, to be recalled and reported against at a later date, even if the consumption is revised.
Take a more in-depth look at these two useful new features below (as well as a mixture of 'Other Bits & Bobs'), all in our March development update...
Contract Generation Field Picker
If you're a PRO CRM user you'll know it allows you to initiate tenders and issue contracts for the winning quote. This generated contract will automatically inherit all the information from the quote and prepopulate the data into the relevant fields. A great time saver indeed! But what if for instance you wanted to populate the contract using the billing address instead of the registered address?
Previously it would have required manual editing but that's no longer the case! We've created a smart field picker that will appear when generating a contract that will allow you to swap out any pre-designated elements in the contract with any other information that you hold data on.
Built for: PRO CRM
Commission Snapshots
In most cases, commissions are a fluid commodity. As budget consumption or live dates change, so does the commission.
However, you may want to take a 'Snapshot' of commission to see how things have changed over time. To allow for this, we've introduced an optional feature called 'Commission Snapshots'. Allowing a user to take a snapshot in time of 'Commission' and 'Consumption Forecasts' from either the 'Meter - Commissions' section or from the 'Contract Overview' page.
Talk to your account manager to find out more and to get this feature switched on.
Built for: PRO CRM
Other bits and bobs...
We've also added the following other bits and bobs...
BG Lite, Crown Gas & Power and Shell Energy PDF Mapping
PDF bills supplied by BG Lite, Crown Gas & Power, or Shell Energy can now be uploaded through BILL VAL without the need to transfer to a CSV template. As mentioned previously, we'll continue to update BILL VAL to accept many more supplier PDFs each week.
Built for:
Support for Miscellaneous Charges for EDF
We've adapted the validation process to now check any additional miscellaneous charges added by the supplier (e.g. 'Agreed Availability Charge', 'Reactive Power Charge', 'Settlement Agency Charge', etc.). This is currently enabled with EDF bills but can be rolled out for other suppliers where appropriate.
Built for:
Meter Screen - View Contracts By Live Dates or Contract Dates
Within PRO CRM, you can view an overview of all meters/sites associated with a customer or lead. We've added an optional feature to allow you to select how contract dates should be displayed within this overview. Now, the "Current Contract" and "Next Contract" can either use the actual Live Dates or Contract Dates.
Built for: PRO CRM
Downloadable Error Log For Data Imports
If your data is raw then importing it into our software can be a big job, that's why we try and provide as much feedback from a data import perspective as possible. If there's a lot of data then there will potentially be a lot of feedback. We've made that feedback easier to work through by offering the ability to download a full error log of what needs to be fixed in order to upload successfully. Simply click 'Go' - 'Download Error Log' within the Data Import module.
Built for: PRO CRM
Improvement to Tasks in Customer Portal
We've made two small improvements to the Tasks section of the customer portal. Firstly, when a customer raises a new task they automatically have visibility of said task (previously a task wasn't visible to a customer unless switched on from the parent account, even if the customer had created it themselves). Secondly, it's now possible for a customer to add a new task with additional notes attached (previously it was only possible for a customer to create a new task with just the subject field and no further information).
Built for: PRO CRM
New Error Log Export for BILL VAL
A new workbook labelled 'Error' is now included as part of all BILL VAL invoice exports. This new workbook details only validations that have resulted in failures, making it easier to see what needs actioning/addressing.
Built for:
Small BILL VAL Improvements
We've made a few little tweaks as detailed below:
Batch Reference Name / Invoice Period / Supplier Name / Client Name is now included at the top of the Batch Overview page.
Invoice Actual/Estimate is included on the Batch Overview page and included on the Invoice Details tab.
Total kWh is now pulled through to the Batch Overview page and included on the Invoice Details tab.
Built for:
API Stats for Priced+ Users
Priced+ users can now keep an easy log on the number of API calls made over any given period by visiting the 'Admin - API Stats' section within their account.
Built for: API
That’s it for this month.
Our software evolves at such an exciting rate so please feel free to get in touch to discuss any of the functionality we’ve added since you last saw it. We’ll be more than happy to arrange a demo to show you around!
Development Update - February 2023
This month:
This month we're bringing you something a little different for our regular update. You'll see below that there is the usual mix of feature additions and software improvements (more than 15 this month!) but there's also a little something extra.
You'll know that we put a lot of emphasis on improving our core products (Every. Single. Month) but what use would any of it be if we weren't to also offer you the support to fully utilise it?
We view support as being just as important a system as the software itself and we're delighted to announce further investment on this front.
Find out how this addition in support will help you directly, and check out the plethora of other feature enhancements, all in the February Dev Update:
The UtilityClick Support Cat
You may have noticed that we have a UtilityClick cat that pops up around the footer of our website from time to time. Well, now we have the real thing! Please join us in giving our newest Support recruit, Cat a very friendly and warm welcome.
Cat joins us with great experience in app development and quality assurance. She's here to help with any day-to-day queries that you might have and she can be reached with the rest of the support team at Welcome aboard Cat!
Other bits and bobs...
We've also added the following other bits and bobs...
Email Notifications When "Awaiting Lock In"
When a deal status is changed to “Awaiting Lock-In” an automated email is now sent to the Account Manager and Lead-Generator to notify them that the deal has been submitted to the supplier.
Built for: PRO CRM
General PDF Mapping Improvements
For PDF bills that include such information, we now extract and display: Total KWH, Supplier, Utility, Date Completed, Credit note information and if an invoice is estimated, actual or mixed.
Built for: BILL VAL
User Setting Functionality Extended
Our software allows a user to manage specific settings for their individual profile (User Profile - My Settings). We've extended this to include even more options (dependent on your user level). For instance, it's now possible to enable/disable features such as Meter Lookups and the UC Jukebox on an individual basis.
Built for: PRO CRM
Pozitive Gas and TotalEnergies PDF Mapping
PDF bills supplied by Pozitive Gas and TotalEnergies can now be uploaded through BILL VAL without the need to transfer to a CSV template. We will continue to update BILL VAL to accept many more supplier PDFs over the coming weeks.
Built for: BILL VAL
Restrict Sales Pack Email Notifications
Optional Feature: With this feature turned on only Lead Generators and Account Managers will receive Sales pack email notifications. Useful if your organisation structure requires only those selected user groups to be notified.
Built for: PRO CRM
More accurate logging when amending Supplier Payment Terms
When changing Supplier Payment Terms, users with the requisite privileges can now see an accurate historical log of what they were changed from and what they were changed to.
Built for: PRO CRM
Vendor Agreements Description Shown In Reporting
It has long been possible to add a description when adding a vendor agreement. The contents of this description can now be included in your reporting. Useful if wishing to include bespoke information not usually available within a vendor.
Built for: PRO CRM
Micro Businesses Label Added (Useful for ADR Scheme)
If a Lead or Customer has been set up as a 'Micro Business' then a label is now displayed above the left-hand menu, allowing users to quickly ascertain if it is a Micro Business or not. Additionally, if a Micro Business is Electric or Gas only, then this information is also displayed within the new label.
Built for: PRO CRM
Meter Serial Number Information Retained After Change
Previously if you were to update the Meter Serial Number (MSN) for a given meter, that number would also update when viewing historical reads. You've asked that when viewing historical reads you are shown the MSN at that point in time. Making it a useful tool to see if a meter exchange has occurred.
Built for: PRO CRM
A Restricted Dashboard For Sub-Admins
This new feature allows users with an access level of 'Sub-Admin' to be able to view a restricted version of the dashboard reporting suite. Only data for customers relating to that user will be visible.
Built for: PRO CRM
Improvement to BILL VAL "Invoices" Export
We've improved the functionality and the fields presented when exporting previous Invoices (through BILL VAL). New filters available include 'Batch Creation Date From', 'Batch Creation Date To' and 'Error Type'.
Built for: BILL VAL
Re-Run Previous Exports
We've added a new feature when exporting data via the Analytics module. When viewing current or previous exports ('Analytics' - 'Download Data') you can click the 'Select action' button and choose to 'Re-Export' a previously exported data set, saving you time reselecting the same filters.
Editable Docusign Contracts
Contracts automatically generated through UtilityClick via Docusign are traditionally uneditable. We've amended this so certain fields (Name, Address, Bank, Account No., Sort Code) can be edited by a customer prior to signing, if required.
Built for: PRO CRM
Warning Message If Contract Start Date Differs To Tender Contract
When adding a meter to a tender, a warning message is now displayed if any of the contract start dates are different to the main tender contract start date (from the previous step). If the user chooses to continue, the system will automatically update the tender contract start date to the earliest contract start date set against the meter.
Built for: PRO CRM
That’s it for this month.
Our software evolves at such an exciting rate so please feel free to get in touch to discuss any of the functionality we’ve added since you last saw it. We’ll be more than happy to arrange a demo to show you around!
Development Update - January 2023
Like the morning after a big New Year's party, we've embarked on a lot of tidying up over this last month. Since introducing you all to the new customer portal in the previous edition, this month we've focussed on some of the smaller 'quick wins' that we've had on our 'to-do' list.
There has been a hefty chunk of features added that have come from ideas spawned directly from feedback via our customers, whilst we've also prioritised jobs that will give users a better experience.
Regular readers will know we're big advocates of improving user experience (UX) and two great ways to accomplish this is by 1) increasing speeds and 2) offering better visual feedback when completing an action.
Read on to see how we've looked to achieve this by improving speeds within our BILL VAL reporting and offering better feedback when exporting data. Oh, and there are some other very useful bits and bobs too...
Speed Improvements To Invoice Dashboard
A great feature of the new customer portal is the ability to report BILL VAL results directly to the customer through beautiful reporting. We've upgraded the dataset so that reports now display much faster for your customers.
Built for:
Data Export UI Improvements
We've made improvements to the user interface when exporting data from our software (Analytics - Export Data). Upon electing to export data you can now see a percentage of completion rate and, if an error occurs, you're now shown a better explanation as to why.
Built for: PRO CRM
Other bits and bobs...
We've also added the following other bits and bobs...
History and Notes Within The Suppliers Module
You can now add bespoke notes and track any historic changes from your team within the Supplier module.
Built for: PRO CRM
ADR Number can now be set by Sub-Brokers
For accounts that employ sub-brokers, you can now allow them to define their own individual ADR number that will then be utilised when generating pricing, LOAs, etc.
Built for: PRO CRM
New Missing Invoice Report
Within the customer portal, we've created a new report showing the last bill in the system according to the current read date.
Built for:
Retain RFP Decision After Tender Refresh
When initiating a tender it's possible to refresh/resend to any chosen supplier, effectively performing a reset for that supplier on information already returned. We've improved the functionality of this feature to now retain any previous 'request for proposal' decisions already made.
Built for: PRO CRM
Adding Commission Information to Excel Documents
If you choose to display commission information within a quote export, then the following information can now be found when exporting the quote via an Excel document: Total Commission, Annual Commission, Commission Type, and Unit Of Energy.
Built for: PRO CRM
Monthly Budgets Added To ACG Contracts
When generating an ACG contract, the system will now calculate the monthly budget from the annual cost and automatically add it to a customer's monthly direct debit amount.
Built for: PRO CRM
Amend Per-Supplier DocuSign Functionality
Previously only super-admin users were able to amend whether DocuSign integration was enabled per supplier (Supplier - Supplier Setup). With this update, standard Admin users can also now elect to enable the feature per supplier.
Built for: PRO CRM
Update to Customer/Leads Bulk Update Process
Within Admin - Data Imports, you can bulk update leads or customers using a spreadsheet. We've updated the template so you can now include 'Linked To' information for each Customer or Lead.
Built for: PRO CRM
Set Warnings Prior to Contract Generation
Contracting for a supplier is challenging and always evolving. With this latest update, you can enable a bespoke message to appear at the final steps of contract generation; reminding your team of any nuanced criteria that may have been missed.
Built for: PRO CRM
Meter Overview To Use Live Dates or Contract Dates
When viewing meter information for a customer or lead from the meter overview screen, you can now choose whether to display the 'Start / End Dates' of the current and next contract as either the 'Contract Date' or the 'Live Date' (default is 'Contract Date').
Built for: PRO CRM
That’s it for this month.
Our software evolves at such an exciting rate so please feel free to get in touch to discuss any of the functionality we’ve added since you last saw it. We’ll be more than happy to arrange a demo to show you around!
Development Update - December 2022
This month:
We think we might just have saved the biggest development update of the year until last.
If you're a regular reader of our dev updates then you'll know that throughout 2022 we've been busily working on a brand-new customer portal.
We're excited to announce:
Your New Customer Portal is coming January 17th
Our new customer portal will allow you to:
Give customers secure access to their own portal, branded as you Present compliant pricing and contract information, dictated from within your PRO CRM account Offer your customers a better query management process. Your customers can create tasks and complaints directly through the portal and you can answer them from within PRO CRM Empower customers to submit their own meter reads and COTs Upsell your services or present bespoke reports under a dedicated 'News' area Maintain complete control over which customers have access and what they see. Don't need a particular section? Simply toggle it off
If you'd prefer not to upgrade to the customer portal automatically, then please make your account manager aware or contact us via
Wait, there's more with BILL VAL
Our BILL VAL customers will benefit even more from the new customer portal.

Users of BILL VAL can utilise the new customer portal to offer customers beautiful dynamic reporting of all their previous bill validation results. With a handful of helpful tools, they can break down their invoices by date, supplier or review specific meter results. What's more, there's also a wealth of efficiency reporting available to help your customers streamline their energy usage.
Not currently a BILL VAL customer? Find out how it can help grow your recurring income with our latest BILL VAL article, read it right here.
That’s it for this month.
Our software evolves at such an exciting rate so please feel free to get in touch to discuss any of the functionality we’ve added since you last saw it. We’ll be more than happy to arrange a demo to show you around!
Development Update - November 2022
This month:
As November comes and goes in a flash, we can't help but look towards a big start to 2023. We've been busily adding more and more features to our brand-new customer portal (but we'll save that for our next update!).
This month we bring news of some useful time-saving features that should help reduce those unnecessary admin jobs.
First up it's a big improvement to our activities and calendar integration as no more will you have to manually add or amend an important task within your 365 calendar. Next, there's good news for those wanting to lookup a large number of gas or electric meters, as we introduce the ability to perform bulk lookups.
For these handy time savers and many other useful new features, keep reading for our November Dev Update...
Automatic Calendar Updates Through Office 365
This new feature requires the user to have logged in with their Office 365 account (an optional feature). Any new activity created will then automatically add an entry to the user's default calendar (based on the 'Due Date'). If the activity is edited or deleted, then those amends will also be reflected within the user's Office 365 calendar.
Bulk Meter Lookup
Since launching gas and electric meter lookups earlier this year, we've frequently been asked about the possibility of performing lookups in bulk from a supplied spreadsheet. We're happy to announce that this latest update makes it possible. Please contact your account manager for more information.
Built for:
Other bits and bobs...
We've also added the following other bits and bobs...
ADR Registration Number Logging
Some suppliers now require confirmation of a TPI's participation in the ADR scheme, not just on setup but every time a contract is submitted. We can now log your ADR participation number within your account so when contracts are submitted, we'll also submit your ADR Registration Number each time too.
Built for:
Delete Functionality For Team Members
We've added an optional feature so that any user with an access level of 'Team Member' can now delete records (such as Sites, Meters, and Customers).
Built for:
Pass/Fail Individual Bill Val Checks
Last month we released an update that made it possible to overwrite the batch result of a completed BILL VAL test to either a 'Pass' or 'Failed' state. We've now added the ability to mark any individual bill validation checks within a bulk job (again, either to a 'Pass' or 'Failed' state).
Built for:
Improved Meter Read Validation
When submitting a meter read, previously our system would check that the read value was higher than the one previously submitted. However, this does not take into account that (as energy meters are limited to a set number of digits) they do at some point ‘clock’ and a lower number read is not necessarily an issue. We've improved the logic with our validation so a lower value will be allowed.
Built for:
Commission Details With Excel Quotes
In September we brought you news of an optional feature that enabled commission information to be presented within exported PDF quotes. We've now updated this optional feature so exported Excel quotes will include Total Commission, Annual Commission, Commission Type, and the UOM Value. Please contact your account manager for more information.
Built for:
Instant Quote Meter Lookup Improvements
Previously, when performing a meter lookup within the 'Customer' module, the current supplier, MOP and DC/DA data would all be returned, allowing the user to add this information alongside the customer site information. Within Instant Quote there is no associated customer so this information previously wasn't presented. You've told us that this extra information would still prove useful for reference so now, when performing a lookup within the Instant Quote, the current supplier, MOP and DC/DA is displayed.
Validation Rule: Consumption Tolerance
This new rule is similar to the 'Cost Tolerance' rule added previously but instead focuses on consumption. It enables a percentage tolerance to be set to ensure the average monthly or yearly consumption of a meter does not move outside of a preset level. This can be set on a month-on-month and year-on-year comparison. By default, this value is set to 10% meaning that a validation error is reported when the monthly (or yearly) consumption for this meter exceeds the tolerance in place when compared to the previous comparative period.
Built for:
Validation Rule: Billed Beyond COT Date
This new rule checks for any meters that are marked as inactive against the corresponding Inactive Date. If any invoice bills beyond this inactive date, it will result as a 'Fail' and the user will be notified that the invoice has billed beyond the Site Inactive date.
Built for:
Adapt To Any Meter Type Change
Meter types can change over time (e.g. from Economy 7 to Standard), which means the number of unit types can change too (e.g. we may expect to see two rates for Economy 7, but only one for Standard). If you've previously contracted for a meter using one meter type but it has later been changed to another, our system will now record and relay the correct meter and unit type that it was given at the point of the contract or quote being generated.
Built for: PRO CRM
That’s it for this month.
Our software evolves at such an exciting rate so please feel free to get in touch to discuss any of the functionality we’ve added since you last saw it. We’ll be more than happy to arrange a demo to show you around!
Development Update - October 2022
This month:
Spookily October carried on in much the same way as September with much focus on multiple BILL VAL improvements. You'll see below that we've been working on some great new validation rules as well as a couple of useful administration tools.
Away from BILL VAL there's been much focus on the brand-new customer portal that's been nicely taking shape over these last few months. It's currently being used by selected partners to showcase BILL VAL reporting results to their customers but we'll be showing you exactly what it can do in all its glory, over the coming months.
Elsewhere the regular product updates and improvements that you're used to haven't slowed either. Just take a look below at the multitude of bumper updates we released during the month of October...
Bulk Pass/Fail Button
We've added a 'Bulk' button to enable bulk administration of BILL VAL batches. Within each batch, you now have the ability to "Mark All As Passed" or "Mark All As Failed". You can still review the original passed/failed status of each check when selecting each individual Validation Result.
Built for:
Meter Lookup Available within Priced+
Meter Lookup has proved a powerful tool and we've had many requests to enable it within our other products outside of PRO CRM and API. We're happy to say that our PRICED+ subscribers can now utilise lookup functionality too. Please contact your account manager if you wish for this feature to be made available.
Built for: PRICED+
Other bits and bobs...
We've also added the following other bits and bobs...
New Validation Rule - Cost Tolerance
This new rule enables a percentage tolerance to be set to ensure the average monthly or yearly cost of a meter does not move outside of a preset level. This can be set on a month-on-month and year-on-year comparison. By default, this value is set to 10% meaning that a validation error is reported when the monthly (or yearly) cost for this meter exceeds the tolerance in place when compared to the previous comparative period.
Built for:
New Validation Rule - De Minimus VAT Check
The ‘de minimis’ level states that if energy usage falls below a set level then a lower 5% VAT charge must be used. This is regardless of whether the premises is used for business or domestic purposes. We've added a new validation check to adhere to this and ensure that each invoice has been billed to the correct VAT rate based on the de minimis level.
Built for:
UI Amendments to Invoice Validation pages
We've made a few UI improvements to the Validation pages. You can now see the 'Total kWh' and 'Invoice Date' when viewing the Invoices Overview screen. Cost and VAT rate are also now shown to two decimal places.
Built for:
Optional Feature - Check against Live Start and End Dates
By default, BILL VAL will validate against the contract start and end date. When enabled, this optional feature will ensure validation against the contract live dates instead.
Built for:
Bill VAL Export
The Supplier Account Number and Meter Serial Number have been added to the BILL VAL export file.
Built for:
New Validation Rule - Check for duplicate invoices and credit notes
This new rule checks if any of the invoice numbers being imported already exist in the system for the meter in question.
Built for:
Notes Added to Invoices
It's now possible to add and recall custom notes to any batch or individual invoice within the BILL VAL system. Simply click 'Go' and select 'Notes' to start composing.
Built for:
Invoice Details Additions
When reviewing the details of a previous invoice within a site we can now present even more information than before. New information presented includes Invoice From and To dates, Rates, Standing Charge, Available Capacity, Available Capacity Cost and any Bespoke Charges.
Built for:
Linked To field Added to Activities Export
The "Linked To" field is now exported when exporting Activities (within 'Analytics - Export Date - Activities').
Built for: PRO CRM
Monthly budget information included within automated contracts
If required, the system can now automatically present a monthly Direct Debit amount within a generated contract. Saving you time and unnecessary manual paperwork changes.
Built for: PRO CRM
Current Supplier Added To Gas Lookup Results
Now when you perform a gas lookup the current supplier is also displayed.
Built for: PRO CRM
Amendments to Invoice Details page
We've added a filter within Contract exports so you can now export contracts by Termination Status.
Built for: PRO CRM
Amend Site Name Within A Meter Lookup
We've amended the process when adding a new site via Meter Lookup. You can now choose to amend the Site Name directly from the result of any lookup.
Built for: PRO CRM
Telephone & Email added to Activities Export
When exporting details of your Activities, the system will now include the primary contact's telephone and email, or if no primary contact exists, then the first available saved contact will be used instead.
Built for: PRO CRM
Improved Error Reporting on Bulk Contract Import
We've made error reporting improvements so that if an error does occur when bulk importing contract information, then a more accurate description of what line the error occurred on is reported.
Built for: PRO CRM
Ability To Add Custom Terms and Conditions When Generating Contracts
Users can now add their own custom Terms and Conditions (via PDF) for each product. If present the custom PDF will be used in place of any global T&Cs and will be appended to the supplier contract being generated.
Built for: PRO CRM
Ability To Add Notes To Users
Users with sufficient privileges can now access and compose notes (and view their history) of all users within the system. This can be found within the 'Admin - Users' section.
Built for: PRO CRM
Smarter "Contract End Date" For Customers and Leads
When enabled, this optional feature will find the first contract end date of all current and future contracts for a customer and show it as part of the Customer or Lead overview. This is great as a quick indication of when a Lead or Customer may be ready to be reworked.
Built for: PRO CRM
Ability To Add Custom Terms and Conditions When Generating Contracts
Users can now add their own custom Terms and Conditions (via PDF) for each product. If present the custom PDF will be used in place of any global T&Cs and will be appended to the contract being generated.
Built for: PRO CRM
Quick Add New Customer and Lead
This addition means it's now even quicker to add a new Lead or Customer. Simply select 'New Lead/Customer' and a popup will appear. As you start typing (either the company name, address or reg number) the results will be shown live, allowing you to select the company you require. Once selected, the details will be shown pre-populated within the new Lead/Customer screen.
Built for: PRO CRM
Smarter "Contract End Date" For Customers and Leads
When enabled, this optional feature will find the first contract end date of all current and future contracts for a customer and show it as part of the Customer or Lead overview. This is great as a quick indication of when a Lead or Customer will be ready to be reworked.
Built for: PRO CRM
That’s it for this month.
Our software evolves at such an exciting rate so please feel free to get in touch to discuss any of the functionality we’ve added since you last saw it. We’ll be more than happy to arrange a demo to show you around!
Development Update - September 2022
This month:
September 2022 was a big month on the dev team but it was particularly busy for those of us working on a multitude of BILL VAL enhancements.
The one that got William & Valerie particularly excited was PDF parsing and here's why:
Suppliers offer invoices in a variety of formats, with the most useful being CSV/XLS. However, some only offer flattened PDF files, unreadable by machine. With PDF parsing, you're able to upload flat PDF files where we then employ optical character recognition (OCR) to decipher each character, before converting it to digital format, ready to be validated. Exciting stuff!
As well as PDF parsing we've also developed three new validation checks to enhance the BILL VAL process. For this (and to see how we're saving you money on your gas & electric lookups), read our September update from the dev team...
PDF Parsing
This new feature will allow customers to upload PDF receipts directly into their account. We're working hard to increase the supplier list for PDF parsing and soon you'll be able to upload PDFs from a multitude of different suppliers.
Built for:
BILL VAL Rule 01: Customer Read Usage
The system will now check if there is a customer meter read present within the system that matches the dates being validated. If it matches, it will check that the meter read has been included within the invoice.
Built for:
BILL VAL Rule 02: Contract Rates Follow On
The system will now check if Unit Rates, Standing Charge, and Available Capacity Charge vary from the previous invoice. Our system was already checking rates against contract information but this handy validation rule will make it clear if rates have changed.
Built for:
BILL VAL Rule 03: Zero Consuming Meter
The system will now check if a meter within the invoice has been billed to zero kWh. If detected, a failure is recorded.
Built for:
Other bits and bobs...
We've also added the following other bits and bobs...
Commissions Disclosure
To aid with the changes directed by OFGEM on the UK energy industry, we've added an additional option when creating PDF quotes that will allow you to export a quote with the annual commission value included. Note that it is still possible to export quotes with the commission information omitted, should you plan to relay this information to your customers through other means.
Built for: PRO CRM
Caching Your Gas & Electric Lookups
Since launching gas and electric lookups we noticed that some users were looking up the same meters, multiple times a day. Essentially creating a new lookup each time, which would be chargeable. We didn't think this was very fair. So we've spent time coding a clever caching system to record lookups you've already completed and, if you've already looked them up within the last 24 hours, they'll be recalled, free of charge.
Built for: PRO CRM
Pozitive Energy compatible with BILL VAL
You can now upload receipts from Pozitive Energy directly in to the BILL VAL system for immediate validation.
Built for:
Pozitive Energy compatible with BILL VAL
You can now upload receipts from Pozitive Energy directly in to the BILL VAL system for immediate validation.
Built for:
Account ID Validation Improved
USA Account IDs are more varied from their UK counterparts. Because of this, we've made adjustments to the validation procedure to accept a larger variety of US MPAN formats.
Built for: PRO CRM
"Total Commission" Added Contract exports
A "Total Commission" value is now included within the Contract export to quickly showcase the cumulative value of each contract over the reporting period.
Built for:
Meter Serial Number added to Meter Readings
When recording a meter reading it is now possible to also add a serial number. This could be useful in case of a future meter exchange, where the history of reads can easily be linked to a respective meter.
Built for: PRO CRM
Allow Combined Commission Types
When generating pricing you could previously see a breakdown of quotes using either the calculated Unit Rate with commission or with a Standing Charge commission, but not with both applied. Now for instance, if you have a p/kWh commission value set and you opt to add a standing charge, you can see the results of both for all returned pricing. What's more (using the 'Tender Tools' dropdown), you can bulk update the standing charge rate for all supplier pricing that are marked as 'Accept SC Commissions'.
Built for: PRO CRM
USA Wording Changes
We've updated the language used within our software so the vernacular is more appropriate for users from North America (US accounts only).
Built for: PRO CRM
Quick Add Contract Date Accepted Update
Previously when using the Quick Add Contract feature, the Date Accepted field would default to the contract start date. This has been updated to take the date that the contract was created.
Built for: PRO CRM
That’s it for this month.
Our software evolves at such an exciting rate so please feel free to get in touch to discuss any of the functionality we’ve added since you last saw it. We’ll be more than happy to arrange a demo to show you around!
Development Update - August 2022
This month:
Welcome to our August update. If you're a regular reader then you'll know that we put a lot of emphasis on the energy management side of our software. Procurement is of course the bread and butter for energy brokers but it’s value-added services which will shape the market over the years to come.
With this in mind, you'll see (below) that it's been another very busy month of releases that will assist in adding this value on to your customers.
Of particular note, we've added what we believe to be a game-changing gas lookup tool to give greater insight into a contract/meter. Whilst we've also extended FTP connectivity to have more HH data automatically imported from your chosen source. Take a look at this and much more below, in our August dev update:
Gas Lookup

After adding lookup for electric last month, we've now added a similar feature for gas. Here's why we think you'll love it: Our new gas lookup functionality will allow you to search and return: 1) All meter details, 2) Current contract information, and 3) Current annual consumption. We think that's a pretty powerful tool to help our customers procure smarter.
Current customers, please contact your account manager to find out more.
Stark FTP Integration

We already have HH data imported automatically to our system for meters supplied by Npower and EDF. We've now expanded this to also import information through the data collector, Stark. If you already utilise the aggregation services offered via Stark then you can now have that information seamlessly linked through to UtilityClick and delivered directly to your customers.
Search By Company Reg

With any Customer Relationship Management tool, adding a new customer should be as easy as possible so we made it even easier. You've been able to search via 'Company Address' for some time but now you can use a 'Company Reg' number to add customers too.
Built for:
Other bits and bobs...
We've also added the following other bits and bobs...
Track The History Of Users
Many components within our software has an inbuilt history state that allows users to review historical changes to an item, such as an Activity or Leads. We've now expanded this feature so admin users can review changes to Users too. This could be useful for checking when a user has changed a password or why they might have had their account locked (e.g. persistently entering an incorrect password).
Built for: PRO CRM
Extend SMTP/Office Email Template Functionality
Last month we brought you news that Super Admins can specify which email types are sent via a user's Office 365 email and which are sent via traditional SMTP. This month we've extended this functionality so you can now choose to route specific emails through Office 365 or SMTP. This can be configured under Admin > Email Settings.
Built for: PRO CRM
Bill Val UI Improvements
We've made some user interface improvements to BILL VAL. For instance: You can now view invoice details directly from each meter results screen, We've added the 'Start Read Date' and 'End Read Date' when viewing Site information within the Customer screen, and we've highlighted in red the 'Total Cost' and 'VAT' amounts when appearing as a negative value.
Built for:
Invoice Frequency Displayed When Using "Customer Pays"
Within the Commission module, invoice tab you can now review the "Invoice Frequency" when a contract is set as "Customer Pays". Note that Customers Pays is an optional feature. Please contact your account manager for further information.
Built for: PRO CRM
Add Account Manager Filter to Customer Pays Overview Screens
When viewing monthly Commission data for contracts set as Customer Pays, you can now view and filter by Account Managers.
Built for: PRO CRM
Red labelling colour Changed
It was reported to us that the shade of red used throughout our software to label important information can be difficult to read for people with certain visual impairments. We've adapted this value to be easier to read whilst still retaining the visual impact needed to make it stand out.
That’s it for this month.
Our software evolves at such an exciting rate so please feel free to get in touch to discuss any of the functionality we’ve added since you last saw it. We’ll be more than happy to arrange a demo to show you around!
Development Update - July 2022
This month:
It's staggering to see that with July gone, we're now well and truly into the third quarter of 2022. It seems as though it was only last month when we brought news of a brand new look to our software (when in fact it was January). You may have seen that we've now announced another new look, this time for our brand new customer portal.
This is considerably more than a facelift though and will incorporate much of the Efficiency and Carbon Reporting work that we've brought you news of previously. We'll let you know in a later update when it's ready for your customers.
Aside from the progress we've made with the customer portal, we've made good strides with the new API Endpoints module and rather excitingly, we've incorporated it with our new Meter Lookup functionality. Bringing meter lookup data to your own custom applications.
For this and other exciting additions, read on for more of our July Dev Update...
API Endpoint Expansion
We announced the arrival of our new API Endpoints in June and this month we've been expanding the feature to work with all modules. We're delighted to say you can now have your Customers, Leads, Sales, Portfolio, Contacts, Tenders, Contracts, Activities, Commissions and more pushed through to your favourite third-party application.
Built for: API
Meter Lookup With API Functionality
Our brand new meter lookup feature has now been expanded and can be used with our API product, meaning you can push results to your own custom-built application.
As a quick recap, our new meter lookup functionality can also be added to your PRO CRM account and allows you to search and return:
1) The Meter Point Administration Number (MPAN),
2) The meter credentials (profile etc.)
3) The current supplier information.
Please talk to your account manager about adding API to your subscription.
Other bits and bobs...
We've also added the following other bits and bobs...
Engage: An Internal CRM
We've built our own non-specialist, standard CRM! We've nicknamed it 'Engage' and although it won't directly impact our users it will allow us to assist customers better and keep on top of things like custom modules, feature requests and anything else that might help manage your account better. We plan to share more on our progress with a blog post soon, so watch this space.
Built for: INTERNAL
Specify Email Type (365 or SMTP)
If you utilise the Microsoft 365 login for your users then Super Admins can now specify which email type are sent via the user's Office 365 email and which are sent via traditional SMTP. This can be configured under Admin > Email Settings.
Built for: PRO CRM
'Next Action Due' Column Added to Customer Overview
Within the Leads module, there is a column labelled ‘Next Action Due’ which shows the open activity against that lead with the oldest due date. With this update, that column is now also available on the Customer module.
Built for: PRO CRM
VAT Status Added to Customer Import & Export
It's possible to add a VAT status for each Customer that you hold information on (either at 0%, 5% or 20%). This extra piece of information can now also be included as part of a bulk import or exported within any relevant reports.
Built for: PRO CRM
Quick Add Contract Date Accepted Update
Previously when using the Quick Add Contract feature, the Date Accepted field would default to the contract start date. This has been updated to take the date that the contract was created.
Built for: PRO CRM
Referral Commissions Export Updated
We've added the fields 'Invoice Number' & 'Invoice Date' to the Referral Commission export (found in Analytics).
Built for: PRO CRM
USA Wording Changes
We've updated the language used within our software so the vernacular is more appropriate for users from North America.
Built for: PRO CRM
Contracts Export Refactoring
As part of the work for our new API Endpoints, we've restructured the code that made up our Contract Exports. With it completed, contracts now export significantly faster.
Built for: PRO CRM
Submit Contracts By FTP for Instant Quote (optional)
We previously released a feature that allowed the submission of contracts via FTP when pricing through our Procurement Module (this can be useful if your users/sub-brokers submit contracts through an aggregator). We've now expanded this optional feature to allow your users to submit contracts via FTP when using the Instant Quote module as well.
Built for: PRO CRM
USA Wording Changes
We've updated the language used within our software so the vernacular is more appropriate for users from North America (US accounts only).
Built for: PRO CRM
Quick Add Contract Date Accepted Update
Previously when using the Quick Add Contract feature, the Date Accepted field would default to the contract start date. This has been updated to take the date that the contract was created.
Built for: PRO CRM
That’s it for this month.
Our software evolves at such an exciting rate so please feel free to get in touch to discuss any of the functionality we’ve added since you last saw it. We’ll be more than happy to arrange a demo to show you around!